Multarity (noun).  /muhl·teh·ruh·tee/

  1. The state of having multiple opinions or perspectives.

  2. The condition or quality of having multiple, often contrasting, characteristics, properties, or tendencies within a single system or entity.

  3. In a specific system or context, the presence of multiple distinct elements that are in some way opposing, which exhibit a complexity beyond simple polarity.

We often hear of the idea of polarities, that is something having the properties of being polar, or opposite sides or contradictory tendencies. We also often hear about topics being “polarized” and that there are “two sides to every story.”

The Multarity Project® posits that any idea, topic, or concept that traditionally would have us “polarized” actually has multiple perspectives, multiple angles, and multiple ways of seeing it.  When we view those multiple perspectives as a whole, we call that a MULTARITY. 

We believe that if we are going to get anywhere with our differences in this world, we need to stop “managing” the polarities and start honoring the MULTARITIES. We believe that understanding and witnessing those “multarities” can help us deepen not only our understanding of the issue in a more nuanced way, but also that it provides us an opportunity to see where our ideas intersect, collide, and are perhaps even where our seemingly opposite ideas have similar qualities.