9-14-23 | SESSION
The Multarity Project's beta session on peace explored a topic that, while universally understood as a desirable state, unraveled as a complex, multi-faceted phenomenon. It revealed dual perspectives on peace as both an internal mental state and an external condition influenced by societal factors like media, politics, and religion. Notions of 'inner peace,' 'stability,' and 'turmoil' captured the paradoxes inherent in the topic—representing it as a tranquil mental state often disrupted by external chaos.
Questions about the role of 'pride and greed' in obstructing peace emphasized societal barriers and raised the issue of whether peace is a collective global duty or an individual moral task. The portrayal of peace in various societal platforms was discussed, pointing out that while art and nature often serve as reflections of tranquility, media can either advocate for peace or highlight its impediments, such as the tragedy of environmental activists' murders. Religious and political systems were also scrutinized for their roles in either fostering or hampering a harmonious coexistence. Mention of specific political figures associated with peace led to further questions about the significance of leadership in achieving global unity.
Finally, the session ended with reflections on assumptions that people hold about peace—suggesting it can be external, purchasable, or even imposed—highlighting the unresolved questions about the true essence and attainability of peace in a world of conflicting ideals.
These images also emerged from this pannel’s conversation on the meaning and implications of peace.