SESSION B | 8-24-23 | PM
In a wide-ranging conversation about censorship, panelists shared their thoughts across different domains including politics, art, media, religion, and community. When it comes to politics, participants agreed that censorship is often used as a weapon and is influenced by money and power. The issue of control was a recurrent theme, with each panelist noting that censorship is often applied unevenly and tends to serve particular agendas. In the realm of art and media, the group discussed how current social standards and even algorithms can play a role in what is censored.
The conversation also touched on self-censorship, especially in the context of divisive issues like COVID-19 and vaccination. The panelists pointed out that they sometimes censor themselves to avoid conflict or to fit into their existing narratives. Assumptions about censorship also came up, with participants acknowledging their own biases and the need for a more nuanced understanding. Overall, the discussion emphasized the complex, multifaceted nature of censorship, showing that it is deeply ingrained in various aspects of society.
These images also emerged from this pannel’s conversation on the meaning and implications of censorship.